The Board of Education is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism. There is a climate of growing intolerance in society and our school district is not immune. As stewards of public education, we must embrace our common humanity and the inherent worth of all people through the learning and understanding of our unique backgrounds. The complexities of diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism demand deeper thinking, listening and a genuine pursuit to understand each other.
Our Board will remain in a continual state of listening, learning and advocating to create safe, respectful, inclusive and responsive learning environments where staff are supported, and students have the opportunity to become informed, literate and resilient citizens.
Trustees participated in a diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism workshop with facilitator Mandart Chan on November 10, 2023. Trustees learned more about applying an intersectional lens to their work as a Board of Education with the goal of creating a more equitable and inclusive community. "When we intentionally create inclusive classrooms and school communities, students develop a deeper understanding, cultural awareness and relationship building skills," said Board of Education Chair Amanda Dowhy. "When students feel that their individual uniqueness is respected and valued, they are more likely to experience a sense of belonging and improved self-esteem which are essential to helping them reach their full potential."
Mandart Chan is a first-generation Chinese/Hong Kong Canadian. After a long career in music education in the Calgary Board of Education and the Sooke School District, he joined the Ministry of Education and Child Care as the Anti-Racism Lead in Curriculum and Classroom Assessment. He now works in the role of Provincial Assessment Marking and Credentialing. Chan is also a facilitator of diversity, equity and inclusion workshops. He holds a master’s degree in music and is currently completing a Master of Professional Education in Equity, Diversity and Social Justice.