
Current Bus Route Status

All buses are running today

School Bus Registration & Transportation Information

To comply with legislative requirements for maintaining up-to-date bus lists, all students must register for school bus transportation each year.

2025-26 Bus Registration

📅 Opens: March 1, 2025, at 8:00 a.m.
📅 Closes: April 30, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. 

Bus assignments and routes will be developed based on registrations received during this period, so families are encouraged to register as soon as possible. If your child is eligible for transportation, you will receive route information in mid-to-late July. If your child is ineligible, you will be notified as soon as we reach your registration for processing.

Late Applications: Registrations submitted after April 30, 2025, including those for new students, will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis for eligible riders on existing routes. Registrations are timestamped and prioritized in the order they are received. Families who registered on or after May 1, 2025 will be notified of their route information after September. 

Before You Register

Before completing registration, please review the following important documents:

📄 School Bus Transportation Fees & Payment Guidelines
📄 School Bus Rules – District Expectations for Riders

If you need more information about our fee waiver process for families facing financial hardship, please click here.

2025/26 Bus Registration

Register For 2025/26

Current School Year Registration

Limited spots remain for the 2024-25 school year. Click to register for 2024-25

Student Safety & Conduct

Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring their child gets safely to and from their designated bus stop. 

During registration, parents/guardians acknowledge and consent to their student(s) adhering to the School Bus Rules. We encourage you to take the time to review these rules with your child. Additionally, please note that our Student Codes of Conduct applies both at designated bus stops and while riding the bus.

Reporting Concerns: If your child experiences an issue on the bus, please contact their school principal promptly.

Route Delays & Cancellations

In the event of a significant delay or route cancellation, notifications will be sent through:

📧 Email alerts
📞 Phone recordings
🌐 Website updates (posted at the top of this page)

During winter and severe weather conditions, bus delays may occur due to road congestion, icy conditions, or mechanical issues. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for cold weather, as buses can cool down quickly.

Route Cancellations: While we make every effort to avoid cancellations, routes may be canceled due to driver shortages or hazardous weather. The Transportation Department will notify parents as soon as a cancellation is confirmed.

Need Assistance?

📧 Email: Send us an email
Transportation Dispatch: 250-474-9845

Lost an item on the bus? Have a question about your route?
Due to a high volume of inquiries, we kindly ask that you do not send multiple emails about the same issue, as this slows our response time. We appreciate your patience and will reply as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions