In addition to school and district supports, the Sooke School District works closely with community partners and service providers. While the information highlighted below focuses on resources supporting student wellness, we recommend connecting with school counsellors and teams to navigate opportunities.
Mental Health
Mental health refers to emotional, psychological, and social well-being, and contributes to one’s ability to manage stress, relate to others, make, and follow through with choices. Mental health is part of our health at large, and just as with physical health, requires care and attention. Social emotional learning is embedded within our schools, in addition to targeted mental health supports and referrals through school counsellors.
Find resources here for supporting mental health
Sexual Health
Sexual Health encompasses physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social well-being, in relation to sexuality.
SD 62 works in collaboration with community partners, offering Wellness Centres at Belmont, Royal Bay, Edward Milne Secondary School and Youth Clinics at West Shore and Sooke Health Units, for any youth up to the age of 25. Services include: immunization, low cost birth control, STI testing, medical testing/treatment, referrals, prescriptions, counselling and more. Appointments only; same day appointments may be accommodated when possible. In-person visits are encouraged, although virtual visits are available. To book an appointment at Belmont, Royal Bay High Schools or the Youth Clinic at West Shore call 250-519-3580; for Edward Milne and Youth Clinic at Sooke Health Unit call 250-519-3487
Find resources here specializing in sexual health
Responding to Traumatic Events
A traumatic event is a sudden and overwhelming event, such as an unexpected death, a physical or sexual assault, an act or threat of violence, or a natural disaster. Traumatic events can be witnessed and/or experienced directly, or indirectly. School counsellors and school-based teams are available to support students who have experienced trauma, as they work to regain a sense of safety and well-being, and to navigate community resources. In addition, a District Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) is activated as needed in response to critical events and is able to provide trauma-informed support based on the needs identified at the school level.
Find community supports and resources here specializing in responding to traumatic events
Guidelines for parents/guardians to support challenging conversations
Online and School Safety
Sooke School District has prevention, intervention, and response strategies to support safe, caring, and inclusive school communities. We are committed to developing positive, inclusive school cultures and fostering optimal learning environments.
Find resources here specializing in online safety
Cyberbullying tips for parents/guardians
Substance Use
Substances use in a broad term and includes the ingestion of everything from caffeine and prescription medications to illicit drugs like cocaine and heroine. Understanding what, how, why and where one is using can be crucial to supporting positive health and well-being. In 2016, the BC government declared a public health emergency in relation to drug poisonings. The resources attached offer support for those using substances, including resources to explore a deeper dive into the continuum of use and strategies to stay safe when ingesting substances.