Public Meetings

All public meetings are held on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.  The Education-Policy Committee and the Resources Committee meetings start at 6 p.m., and the Public Board of Education meetings start at 7 p.m. 

As many of the provincial health orders related to the pandemic have been lifted, we will be returning to in-person meetings effective April 19, 2022 (as per Board Bylaw #1 and any policy related to the function of Board or Committee meetings). 

Meeting virtually during the pandemic played a valuable role in connecting us and allowing the Board of Education to discharge its duties under the School Act. Virtual participation will continue to play a role in Board and Committee meetings moving forward. Per Board Policy A-410, both Board and Committee meetings will continue to be livestreamed to provide greater opportunity for our community to view and/or attend the meetings. Livestreaming further supports our objectives of transparency and inclusivity in our strategic plan.

For our partners in CUPE 459, the Sooke Teachers' Association and Sooke Parents Education Advisory Committee, virtual participation in Board and Committee meetings will not normally be offered, but if you are required to participate in a future meeting virtually due to a health or alternative concern and are unable to find a suitable replacement to attend on your behalf, please send a formal request by email to the Board Chair or Committee Chair by end of day on the Friday preceding the meeting. 

You are invited to attend the following SD62 Board of Education’s monthly meetings:

  • Committee Meetings

    • Education-Policy (1st Tuesday of the month) This committee develops and reviews policies and program offerings in the school district.
    • Resources (2nd Tuesday of the month) This committee does the work of resourcing the district, including Finance, IT, Human Resources, Facilities and Transportation.
  • Board of Education Meetings (4th Tuesday of the month)

  • For more information on how to join a MS Team Live Event

Board and Committee Meetings

Education-Policy Committee Meeting - Agenda
Resources Committee Meeting -
Public Board Meeting -
Education Committee of the Whole (ECOW) -
Education-Policy Committee Meeting -
Resource Committee Meeting
Public Board Meeting
Education-Policy Committee Meeting -
Resource Committee Meeting
Public Board Meeting
Education-Policy Committee Meeting Agenda Minutes
Education-Policy Committee Meeting Agenda Minutes
Public Board Meeting Agenda Minutes
Resources Committee Meeting Agenda Minutes
Public Board Meeting Agenda Minutes
Resources Committee Meeting Agenda Minutes
Public Board Meeting Agenda Minutes
Resources Committee Meeting Agenda Minutes
Public Board Meeting Agenda Minutes
Resources Committee Meeting Agenda Minutes