2024-25 Strategic Plan Budget Priorities Survey


Students learning about sea life.As we work through the budget development for the upcoming school year, the Sooke School District is facing the challenge of a budget deficit that demands careful consideration and difficult financial decisions. The Board of Education is working hard to tackle this challenge, making sure every decision fits with the district's strategic plan and is financially responsible.

To hear from the community, the district is asking parents, guardians, and the public to take a survey. This survey will gather feedback on budget priorities and strategic goals, helping the district allocate resources effectively. 

For your reference, we have included links to our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan and the 2022-23 Annual Report, which provide important context for our budget discussions.

2021-2025 Strategic PlaN & Annual Reports 

The estimated time to complete the survey is 7-10 minutes. 

The survey closed on Friday, April 5 at 5:00 p.m.