To register, children must turn five years of age by December 31 in the same calendar year that they begin school. There are no exceptions.
How to Register:
1.Read theRegistration Guide to make sure you have the required documents ready to upload during registration. Please upload ALL required documents. Registration will be incomplete until all documents are uploaded.
Uploading Documents: Don't have a scanner? Please provide CLEAR photos of the documents. If the document cannot be read clearly, it will not be accepted.
Due to high demand for Kindergarten French Immersion, if a school receives more registrations per category of enrolment priority than the number of available seats, a lottery will take place. The lottery will follow the Student Enrolment Priorities and students will be placed in the order in which they are drawn.
A wait list will be established according to the lottery. The lottery process will be based on a school-by-school basis.
Student Enrolment Priorities
re-enrolling students
a catchment area child who has a sibling currently attending the school
a catchment area child
a non-catchment child who has a sibling currently attending the school
a non-catchment child
a non-school district child
These enrolment priorities apply to all new registrations and transfer requests.
*Please note that for École John Stubbs, the elementary and middle schools are separate. If you have a child in École John Stubbs Middle School or one who will be in the middle school the following September and are registering another child in École John Stubbs Elementary School, Enrolment Priorities #2 or #4 will not apply.
Multiples: In the event of a lottery, one ballot will be entered into the draw for families with multiples. If drawn, they will be offered placement in the program at the same school provided there is space available.
When the number of applicants exceeds the number of available seats, a lottery system will take place. Student Enrolment Priorities will apply to the lottery.
Schools will notify parents of lottery results before the opening of Regular Kindergarten registration.
If you were not successful in the lottery, your name will be placed on a waitlist. Please note that we do not disclose individual positions on the waitlist. Should a seat become available for your placement on the waitlist, the school will notify you directly.
A lottery is conducted when the number of registrations exceeds the available seats. The lottery process begins after the registration window has closed.
Yes. If you do not have a computer at home, you can access a computer at any of the following places:
Public library
A friend or family’s house
Use your mobile phone
Yes. All correspondence, including the offering of seats and waitlist status, are sent to an applicant’s e-mail address. It is important to have access to your e-mail account for school and district correspondence.
Yes, please provide CLEAR photos of the documents. If the document cannot be read clearly, it will not be accepted.
You must register them for regular Kindergarten.
In the event of a lottery, one ballot will be entered into the draw for families with multiples (twins or triplets). If drawn, multiples will be offered placement in the program at the same school provided there is space. If there is not enough space, the district will look to place multiples at a different school with available space.
École John Stubbs is made up of an elementary and a middle school. They are separate. If you have a child in École John Stubbs Middle School and are registering another child in École John Stubbs Elementary School, Enrolment Priorities #2 (a catchment area child who has a sibling currently attending the school) or #4 (a non-catchment child who has a sibling currently attending the school) will not apply.