Foundry Virtual Groups: Download the Foundry App to learn about upcoming virtual groups for youth aged 12-24, and for caregivers, and access a number of resources and supports through Foundry Centres across the province.
Family Smart: In addition to parent peer support and resources, Family Smart offers online and in person monthly workshops.
- March 4, 5, 11, 12, 25 6:30-8:00 PM: Explosive Behaviour in Teens: Strategies to Empower Families
- April 3, 8, 9 Parenting When Anxiety Shows Up as Anger
BGC Parenting Programs: BGC offers a number of parenting groups, in addition to youth and community programs. For more information, contact or 250-686-9109.
Confident Parents, Thriving Kids is a program for parents and caregivers intended to develop skills and strategies to support children to manage anxiety or behaviour challenges, through a series of online videos (for anxiety) or workbooks (for behaviour) and activities, supported by coaching sessions by phone.
SashBear is a resource empowering family members and communities with life transforming skills and hope, through workshops and evidence-based programs at no charge.
Ongoing Connect groups are available for parents and caregivers interested in deepening their understanding as it pertains to behavioural and emotional problems. Groups run for 90 minutes over ten weeks, offering opportunities to explore new perspectives on parent-teen relationships and adolescent development.
is a resource empowering family members and communities with life transforming skills and hope, through workshops and evidence-based programs at no charge.
Power To Be: The Family Roots program is accepting new referrals, for single parent families with kids between 7-14. Family roots support 4 Multi-family Adventure/Group days, 1 overnight family camping adventure, 4 parent-focused evening sessions, and individual parenting/family support between sessions as needed. Lunch is provided at all day programs and dinner for in-person parent sessions. Camping equipment and food for the camping adventure is provided. For more information, contact
Safer Schools is offering an upcoming Family Session webinar, April 8 from 6:30-7:30. This session covers all things digital, from how to be a good digital citizen, the criminal consequences of cyberbullying, and how to report and receive support in cases of sexting/sextortion. Some of the most prominent concerns currently surrounding the use of social media platforms, smartphones, and artificial intelligence will be discussed.
Expect Erase and a Safe Education is a Ministry of Education and Child Care website designed for students, parents and educators to access information and resources in the areas of Diversity and Inclusion, Mental Health and Substance Use, and School and Online Safety. Visit the erase site for a one-stop source of BC specific information.