District Growth

As one of the fastest growing school districts in British Columbia, we are constantly planning for the future. Future growth is projected to bring in upwards of 300-500 new students each year, our district plans today so that we can provide students, staff and communities with great infrastructure tomorrow.

Please take a moment to look over our plans to see how we will accommodate and shift for rapid growth.

Long Range Facilities Plan

Capital Projects

As a growing school district, we are always planning ahead for future growth. Our Board of Education continuously advocates to the provincial government to secure funding for new schools, expansions and upgrade projects.

The chart below outlines our major capital projects including new school construction, seismic replacements projects, and expansions.

ProjectProject DescriptionCurrent StatusDate of ApprovalOccupancy
Royal Bay Secondary ExpansionAddition of 600 student spacesCompleteFeb 2018Sept 2020
PEXSISEN ElementaryNew school (capacity 500)CompleteMar 2019Sept 2022
Centre Mountain Lellum Middle New School (capacity 700)CompleteMar 2019Nov 2022
SĆIȺNEW̱ SṮEȽIṮḴEȽ Elementary in South LangfordNew School (capacity 480)ApprovedJune 2022Sept 2025 (expected)
Ruth King Elementary Prefabricated AdditionAddition of 190 student spacesCompleteOctober 2023October 2024
David Cameron Elementary Prefabricated AdditionAddition of 190 student spacesCompleteOctober 2023October 2024
Elementary in South ColwoodNew School (capacity 480)Seeking Approval  
Elementary in North LangfordNew School (capacity 480)Seeking Approval  
Port Renfrew ElementarySeismic ReplacementApprovedMarch 2024 
Secondary in North LangfordNew School (capacity 2000)Seeking Approval  
Elementary in Sun RiverNew School (capacity 480)Seeking Approval  
Middle School in North LangfordNew School Seeking Approval