Nature Kindergarten

Registration for Nature Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year is now closed.

Students spend every morning outside, rain or shine, in natural settings. Students then return to school for their lunch and remain in the classroom during the rest of the afternoon for indoor learning.

Nature Kindergarten is available at the following schools:

If your primary address is in the Westshore your child would attend the Nature Kindergarten program at Sangster Elementary. If your primary address is in East Sooke, Sooke, Jordan River or Port Renfrew your child would attend the Nature Kindergarten program at Saseenos Elementary. 

To register, children must turn five years of age by December 31 in the same calendar year that they begin school. There are no exceptions.

Lottery system for kindergarten registration

Due to high demand for Nature Kindergarten, if a school receives more registrations than the number of available seats, a lottery will take place. The lottery will follow the unique enrolment priorities for Nature Kindergarten and students will be placed in the order in which they are drawn. 

How to register:

1. Attend a mandatory in-person Nature K parent information session prior to registration. Parents/Guardians must attend the entire presentation. The presentations are not school-specific. You can attend either session. There will not be any on-line sessions this year.  This meeting is designed for adults, and we encourage families to make alternate childcare arrangements. If doing so presents a challenge, please contact the school in advance. 

Sangster Elementary School

TBD - January 2026

Saseenos Elementary School

TBD - January 2026

2. Read the Registration Checklist to make sure you have the required documents ready to upload during registration. Please upload ALL required documents. Registration will be incomplete until all documents are uploaded. 

Uploading Documents: Don't have a scanner? Please provide CLEAR photos of the documents. If the document cannot be read clearly, it will not be accepted.

Students will not be officially registered until all documentation has been uploaded.

3. Click the button below to register.


Frequently Asked Questions