Education Facility Managers Association of BC Bursary

Award Name
Award Name
Education Facility Managers Association of BC Bursary
Education Facility Managers Association of BC
Scholarship or Bursary
Award Amount $
Application Deadline
Selection Criteria
Group Affiliation
Group Affiliation (if applicable)
must be a dependent of a school maintenance or custodial staff
Award Type
External Award

Application deadline is usually in April.

The Educational Facility Managers Association of British Columbia offers $1,000.00 bursaries to graduates.  The association is comprised of administrative and management personnel of school districts who are responsible for construction, maintenance and custodial services, etc.

These bursaries are offered to secondary students completing their grade 12 year who will enter a recognized post-secondary educational institution in the upcoming school year. Bursaries will be awarded on the basis of academic achievement and/or special needs.

Preference will be given to students entering the fields of engineering, architecture, or building technology. Should there not be suitable applications received in these fields, students in other courses of study will be considered, however, all applicants MUST be dependents of school district employees in the school plant area (i.e. Maintenance or Custodial).

Application forms are available online at the website listed below.   See the website to confirm details and the application deadline for the current year.  

Application Requirements
Application Requirements
Application Form
Cover Letter/Letter of Application