Award Name Award Name Sooke & District Minor Hockey Scholarship Details Sponsor/Organization Sooke Minor Hockey Scholarship or Bursary Scholarship Award Amount $ varies Application Deadline May 1, 2025 Selection Criteria Athletics School and/or Community Involvement Group Affiliation Location Sooke Group Affiliation (if applicable) Sooke Minor Hockey Award Type External Award Information Scholarships will be awarded to SMHA registered members who apply and who best combine the qualifications set here under. SMHA gives recognition to their members who develop their academic career aspirations, at the same time nourishing their interest in hockey. ELIGIBILITY All scholarship candidates must currently be a member in good standing with both the SDMHA and VIAHA and be in their graduating year of high school or have already graduated from high school at the time of application. QUALIFICATIONS 1. Sportsmanship. 2. Hockey ability and performance or quality of contribution. 3. School and community participation. HOW TO APPLY 1. SMHA Scholarship Application Form or name, address, phone number and a personal letter of application, which specifically outline your hockey achievements. 2. League, team or category. 3. Letter from applicant’s hockey coach or referee in chief. 4. Copy of school report with letter from school principal or other school official. CHECK THE SOOKE MINOR HOCKEY WEBSITE TO CONFIRM APPLICATION DEADLINE, APPLICATION FORM, AND DETAILED APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. Application forms are usually available in the spring and will be posted on the Sooke Minor Hockey website (see below). Website Website Sooke Minor Hockey Application Requirements Application Requirements Application Form Letter(s) of Reference/Recommendation Transcript back to award list