Award Name Award Name Sooke Soccer Club Scholarship Details Sponsor/Organization Sooke Soccer Club Scholarship or Bursary Scholarship Award Amount $ varies Application Deadline April 30, 2025 Selection Criteria Academics Athletics Group Affiliation Location Sooke Group Affiliation (if applicable) member of Sooke Soccer Club Award Type External Award Information Applications are usually due April 30. Sooke Soccer will post an updated scholarship application form on their website prior to the deadline. Selection criteria include: 1) involvement in SSC for at least 3 years 2) currently participating in some capacity in soccer as a player, ref, coach or administrator 3) proficiency in soccer as a player or have shown worthwhile contributions in refereeing, coaching or administration, 4) good citizenship, character, leadership within the community and soccer club. 5) marks must be a minimum C average. (The focus of the award is soccer involvement, not excellence in marks.) Consult the Sooke Soccer Club website (link below) for details regarding application requirements, to confirm the application deadline, and to download a copy of the application form. Scholarship infomation is usually posted closer to the application deadline and is found under the "Our Club" tab of their website. The amount of the scholarship varies from year to year. Website Website Sooke Soccer Club Application Requirements Application Requirements Application Form Letter(s) of Reference/Recommendation Transcript back to award list