Sooke Teachers’ Association Scholarships

Award Name
Award Name
Sooke Teachers’ Association Scholarships
Sooke Teachers’ Association
Scholarship or Bursary
Award Amount $
Application Deadline
Selection Criteria
School and/or Community Involvement
Group Affiliation
Group Affiliation (if applicable)
3 of the 7 awards are reserved for children of STA members
Award Type
External Award

The members of the Sooke Teachers’ Association are proud to offer seven scholarships to the students of School District #62.  These will be available to graduating students attending full-time post-secondary institutions.  Scholarship awards will be in the amount of $1250.

Five of the scholarships awarded by the Sooke Teachers’ Association are named after Past Presidents who dedicated themselves to the Union, their colleagues, and their students.  They believed strongly in education, respect and the celebration of students who lead by example.

The sixth scholarship is reserved for an Indigenous student and is named in honour of Loretta Deutscher, who taught and advocated for recognition of our Indigenous students.

The seventh and newest scholarship is reserved for an alternative education student and is named in honour of Ian Johnson.  Ian Johnson worked for the Union in various Executive roles from 1990 to 2022. He served 19 terms as either President or Vice-President.  Ian’s passion was working with and advocating for alternative education students.   

  • The Kathleen MacKinnon Scholarship (1992-1995)        
  • The Bronwyn Taylor Scholarship (1988-1992)
  • The John Bergbusch Scholarship (1982-1985)                 
  • The Terry McKellar Scholarship (1980-1982)
  • The Laurie Tighe Scholarship (1995-1997)
  • The Loretta Deutscher Scholarship (2011)
  • The Ian Johnson Scholarship (1989-2022)

Please Note:

Three scholarships each year will be reserved for students (from any school district) whose parents are current members of the Sooke Teachers’ Association.

The specific awards given to the children of STA members will vary depending on the qualifications and intentions of the applicant.

Criteria For Consideration:

  • The interview
  • Leadership in service to and in support of others
  • Financial need
  • Academic standing

The online application is available at the website listed below approximately a month before the deadline. 

Application Requirements
Application Requirements
Application Form
Scholarship Resume