Award Name Award Name University of Toronto National Book Award & National Scholarship Details Sponsor/Organization University of Toronto Scholarship or Bursary Scholarship Award Amount $ 100,000 Application Deadline September 27, 2024 Selection Criteria Academics School and/or Community Involvement Other / See Info Location Canada Award Type External Award Information The National Scholarship covers tuition at the U of T for 4 years. Eligibility Criteria: an original and creative thinker committed to school and community a high achiever in academic and creative pursuits enthusiastic about learning and intellectual exploration a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person currently in your final year of Canadian secondary school or first-year CEGEP intending to begin university the following academic year (or intending to take a gap year) a National Book Award nominee Award Value: The National Scholarship covers tuition, incidental and residence fees for up to four years of study. Finalists not designated as National Scholars receive Arbor Scholarships at a value of $7,500 in the first year and $1,500 per year for three additional years of undergraduate study. The scholarship is tenable only at the University of Toronto. Application Process: Nominees must submit an online application form in order to be considered for the National Scholarship (i.e., nominees are not automatically considered for the scholarship). Nominees will receive an email containing the link to the National Scholarship application form. EMCS may nominate one student each year. SEE YOUR COUNSELLOR IN SEPTEMBER IF YOU ARE A GOOD CANDIDATE AND WOULD LIKE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR NOMINATION. Website Website U of T National Book Award & National Scholarship Application Requirements Application Requirements Other / See Info back to award list