Cmolik Foundation Scholarship

Award Name
Award Name
Cmolik Foundation Scholarship
Cmolik Foundation
Scholarship or Bursary
Award Amount $
Application Deadline
Selection Criteria
School and/or Community Involvement
Other / See Info
Award Type
External Award

EMCS may nominate one student to put an application forward.

Submit a scholarship resume AND letter of application to your school counsellor by January 17 if you wish to be considered for nomination.  (The student who is selected for nomination must then submit their application on the Cmolik Foundation website by Feb. 7)

BC students who have lived in Canada for at least seven years and have experienced adversity in their lives are eligible to apply. They may not have top grades through high school but must be capable of succeeding at the post-secondary level.

Eligibility Requirements:
- Be a current resident of BC
- Have lived in Canada for at least 7 years
- Be in Grade 12 or a recent secondary school graduate
- Have demonstrated financial need (family income <$80,000 per year)
- Have faced adversity
- Plan to be a full-time student
- Be ineligible for the BC Tuition Waiver Program (for former youth in care)
- Use funding for a post-secondary institution or college
- Be endorsed by their school principal

Application Criteria:
- proven resilience in the face of adversity
- positive work ethic
- academic suitability
- contributions to community
- the clarity of educational goals
- focused commitment
- fit with the organization
- support of references.

Other notes about applicant requirements: 
- Must be seeking financial aid to complete a post-secondary education.
- Must be ineligible for the BC Tuition Waiver Program (for former youth in care).
- Must have a specific post-secondary goal to complete. Post-secondary education must be a requirement for their chosen career path.
- Must have demonstrated the tenacity, focus, and ability required to succeed with their individual post-secondary educational goal. Please note that while academic standing is an important factor in determining future success in post-secondary endeavours, it is not necessarily our main consideration.
- Must have experienced adversity or hardship in their life.
- Without financial aid they may not have the opportunity to attain a post-secondary education. The reason for the financial need should be explained in their application.
- Must demonstrate the ability to finance their transportation and living expenses while attending their chosen educational university or institute, and have a plan to do this.
- Those who have significantly contributed to their school, family and/or community will be given special consideration.
- Must agree to some time during their lifetime fund a non-related person in furthering his or her post-secondary education, in a manner similar to the support received from The Cmolik Foundation.

Application Requirements
Application Requirements
Application Form
Letter(s) of Reference/Recommendation
Other / See Info