Joseph G. Doria Exemplary Student Award

Award Name
Award Name
Joseph G. Doria Exemplary Student Award
CWB Foundation
Scholarship or Bursary
Award Amount $
Application Deadline
Selection Criteria
School and/or Community Involvement
Applied Skills
Award Type
External Award

This scholarship is for students starting a Welding program in post-secondary.

The Joseph G. Doria Exemplary Student Award is a national award established in 2013 to honour the leadership of Mr. Doria as Chairman of the CWB Group Board of Directors from 2009-2013. The award’s purpose is to promote and encourage the pursuit of a career in welding and joining. Mr. Doria has been an active participant in the welding industry for over 42 years, is past president and CEO of Lincoln Electric Company of Canada and remains an active member of the CWB Group Board of Directors.

This award is made to a graduating Canadian secondary school student who shows exemplary academic excellence, a demonstrated passion for the welding industry, and community involvement, who is entering a full-time welding technician or welding engineering technology program with a desire to pursue a career in the industry.

See the website provided below for full details and a link to the application. 

Application Requirements
Application Requirements
Application Form
Letter(s) of Reference/Recommendation
Other / See Info