School Bus Registration 2024-2025

We will provide transportation services for students to their catchment schools under the following guiding principles:

  • Transportation services will be provided on a priority basis based on the age of the student and the distance from the student's catchment school. 
  • Transportation services will be provided to schools outside of a student's catchment, but within their existing zone of schools*, when the student is attending an educational program of choice or an academy that is not offered at their catchment school. 
    • Educational programs of choice are defined as: 
      • French Immersion (as long as the student is attending their designated French Immersion catchment school)
      • Trades Awareness and Skills Knowledge (TASK)
      • Nature Kindergarten
  • The District will charge all riders a safety fee to directly increase the safety of students and staff using the District's transportation system. 

*Zones refer to the Belmont Zone (Colwood-Langford) and the Milnes Landing Zone (Sooke). 

"The School Act does not require school districts to provide school bus transportation services and therefore it is the responsibility of each family to determine the best transportation option to and from school to meet their needs."

Please note: after April 30, students are queued on a wait list and will be added to routes based on availability. Applications are processed in order of the time/date of your application.

  • Current Parent/Guardian Information
  • Student Information
  • School Bus Rules
  • Complete

You will need your child’s Pupil # / PEN  or New Student Registration Number to register for the bus.

Parents with current SD62 students: You can find your child’s PEN / Pupil # in the Online Consent Portal.

Parents with newly registered students: Please use your New Student Registration Number (six to seven-digit number) starting with the letter R that was sent to your email when you first registered your child. 

Format: 123-456-7890
Format: 123-456-7890